#Off_the_record with Anthony, USA! ​

#Off_the_record with Anthony Chapman, USA!

This time, meet Anthony Chapman from Rhode Island, USA! 🇺🇸 Anthony is pursuing his Ph.D in Hebrew Bible, here at BGU! 🎓
Anthony is also a very talented singer & song writer, and amazed us when he performed at the international event last month! 🎤🎸 Anthony came to Israel 13 years ago with his wife Irene, they are raising here their five wonderful children, and doing home-schooling. Anthony and Irene sing and perform together (link to some of their amazing songs – in the comments).
Now for the fun stuff 💃
1. What’s your hidden talent?
I love music – play, write, produce music, anything with music 🎵 so it’s not quite hidden. My wife and I love to perform and we try to write songs that are honest. I also like to learn languages and sing in different languages if I can 🌐
2. Would you rather be able to speak every language, or be a master in every instrument?
Every Instrument. It’s kind of connected – if you can play music well, in different instruments, different styles, you can connect to every single person on earth, which is the same if you can speak every language 🎶
3. What do you write your songs about?
I feel like my songs often are kind of journals 📕 about the things that I’m dealing with in my life. Right now I’m working on a love song to my wife, that we’re going to sing together hopefully, that tells a little bit about our story 👰🤵 Also, I love the bible, so it’s natural for me to turn adaptation of psalms that I like into music. We both are spiritual people so we write about god and more spiritual type songs, different stories or hard things that happened in life. Sometimes I get triggered to write a song by even difficult thing that happened to other people, like last year when there was a big massacre in Las Vegas, and I wrote a song about it.
4. What made you choose to study Hebrew Bible?
I’ve loved the bible since I was a kid 👶. I read the whole bible by the time I was 12 or 10, so it was natural for me. I’m a part of a community that really valued the bible.
5. Why Israel?
I think it had to do with the bible. You read all the stories about the miracles and everything that happened here ✨ I’m a believer in Jesus, and everything Jesus did is in Israel, and he’s a Jew, so I just felt kind of drawned to study here. It’s a beautiful country, beautiful people, there’s so much bridge culture in Israel, and you can have such cultural depths, because you can go one night to someone’s house and it’s Ethiopian and then to somebody else’s house and it’s from Morocco and it can be a totally different culture, It’s so special.
6. What’s one thing about you that surprises people?
People are usually surprised when they find out I have 5 kids 🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣. We decided that we wanted to have kids when we were younger, if we could, because we thought we would have more energy.
7. Can you tell me about the home schooling that you’re doing?
Each child is in his own grade. They start to study at 8 o’clock and have breaks and organized time slots. Each child has his own desk and his plan. What’s good about it, is that each child can move at his own speed. My wife is the teacher, and I’m like the principal, If you get in trouble – you come to me 😂
8. If you could instantly become an expert in something – what would it be?
Cognitive science, brain science. How the mind works, that interests me 🧠 I think it can be helpful and helping other people will be cool. But if I would just gonna make money – I’d say trading stocks 🤣
9. If you could have one super power – what would it be?
If I could slow down everything to give myself a little more time, that would be great 🔮 I always need more time.
10. What’s your dream job?
If I could be anything, I would like to be in a band like Idan Raichel, that travels internationally, has a lot of international connections, really has a voice to be positive for people and encourage them through whatever they’re going through