About BGU
Department of Biomedical Engineering - photos from Hadar Ben-Yoav's Laboratory

About BGU

Ben-Gurion University (BGU) is a leading multi-disciplinary research University in the Southern part of Israel. BGU is known for its scientific innovation, cross-disciplinary and applied research that impact people’s lives wherever they are.

BGU is home to excellent researchers and students who hold original and innovative perspectives, alongside a social conscience and commitment to community engagement.​The university is devoted to and engaged in developing the Negev region, Israel, and the world.  

With 20,000 students, 4,000 staff and faculty members, and 3 campuses in Be’er-Sheva, Sde Boker, and Eilat, BGU is realizing the vision of Israel’s first Prime Minister, David Ben-Gurion, who believed that the future of Israel lay in the Negev region. 

BGU is at the heart of a unique ecosystem where higher education, advanced technologies, industry, business, healthcare, and government come together to develop groundbreaking research and new applications for the market.  

Beer-Sheva’s Advanced Technologies Park (ATP), co-founded by BGU, adjacent to BGU’s main campus, is an expression of this synergy and is home to multinational companies, such as Dell-EMC, Oracle, Wix, IBM, and Deutsche Telekom (T mobile), university research labs, and start-ups. 

BGU International 

BGU attracts outstanding students from all over Israel and around the world that chooses BGU for both the exceptional academic opportunities and for the diverse and vibrant campus atmosphere. 

International students from over 70 countries enjoy a full calendar of activities and events and a variety of clubs and organizations. BGU offers an immersive experience and holds for example Hebrew lessons, volunteering opportunities, and a range of joint activities and courses with Israeli students. Living in on-campus housing with Israeli students as roommates, international students get to experience Israeli culture firsthand by forging friendships and building memories.  

We offer a wide variety of programs in English and in Hebrew throughout our six faculties.

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