#Off_the_record with Christian, Italy!

#Off_the_record with Christian Castagna from Italy!

Christian is just finishing his Ph.D in Nuclear Engineering at Politecnico di Milano and doing an internship at BGU!
1. Favorite Hebrew word:
Shabbat (Judaism’s day of rest and seventh day of the week), because it’s related to an important event of Israel’s culture, and also – at the first weekend that I came here, I participated in my first Shabbat at my colleague’s house.
2. Hummus or Falafel? 🥙
I tried both, but hummus! Falafel is good but not so different from things that I’ve tasted before.
3. Why Israel?
Because of serendipity – before I start my Postdoc and while I’m finishing my Ph.D. – this proposal arrived, and also because I thought that it’s good to come here; not only for the opportunity to stay with a good research group, but also because I was fascinated by this particular country, all the cultures, the situation and the past of this country.
I appreciate the people here; they are so open & open minded! I think that the Israelis & Italians are very much alike in that aspect. The campus is great, I had a very good impression. I got such a warm welcome and my colleagues were incredible when I arrived and helped me with everything. I don’t feel myself external person at this country. I’m reading about Israel in a guidebook that my friends from Italy, that visited Israel, gave me as a present. Now I’m planning a trip in Passover’s holiday, to places in Israel and in Jordan, based on the guide 🚞
4. Favorite Be’er-Sheva activity?
Until now – I really liked the language exchange nights. People from different cultures that talk different languages. I’m enjoying the opportunity to try to speak other languages, in order to meet new people, other cultures, and open my mind 🙌
5. What’s your hidden talent?
I love to play tennis 🎾 It’s my hobby. In my free time here I go to the Sports Center and play with other people. There are Facebook & WhatsApp groups of people who like to play tennis here, and it’s an opportunity to meet a lot of people from all over the world.
6. What would you do with a million dollars?
Taking part of it – to travel, part of it – to invest in business, and part of it – to buy myself a house, don’t know where yet, probably in a nuclear country because of my job. Now I’m young, but it’s good to invest for the future 💰
7. If you could have one super power, what would it be?
Read minds 🔮 That’s how you’ll be able to understand people more. Many times people are not saying all the things that they want to say.
8. What did you want to do when you were little, and now what’s your dream job?
When I was a child, I wanted to be an inventor. Now – become an expert in Nuclear Engineering, in particular in Nuclear Reactor Physics, continue to research 🔎
9. Tell us about a Fadiha (a slip up) you had
I met a new person at the language exchange night, and the day after I didn’t recognize him! He told me “Hi Christian, how are you?” and I recognized only after he told me. It happends to me with a lot of people 😅