#Off_the_record with Felix, Germany!

#Off_the_record with Felix, Germany!

Welcome to #Off_the_record – let’s meet Felix Henkys from Germany! 🇩🇪

Felix just finished his Master’s in Economics at The University of Innsbruck, and came to Israel to participate in our Hebrew Ulpan.
Felix is a real international student – he chose to study his Bachelor’s and Master’s in Austria, and before he came to our program in Israel, he studied a semester in Chile during his Master’s, and a year in Ecuador during high school!
Now for the fun stuff 💃
1. Favorite Hebrew word?
2. What did you want to do when you were little?
To be a train driver! 🚂 And now my dream job is to work in The Central Bank of the European Union.
3. Why Israel?
I’ve been to Israel before when I traveled with a friend and I really liked it. I just finished my studies so I decided that it will be a cool thing to come back for this program 👨‍🎓⛱
4. Favorite Be’er Sheva activity?
Of course the pool 💦 and also going to hummus Abu-Dabi. I can actually really recommend this place – If you’re looking for a good hummus place, go to hummus Abu-Dabi!
5. What’s your hidden talent?
Eating a lot of Falafel!
6. If you could change your name to an Israeli name, which would you pick?
7. If you could have one super power, what would it be?
Eat infinity amount of Falafels! I’m just kidding, speaking all languages in the world will be a good super power 🌍
Here’s a photo of Bar (Felix) and me eating hummus (shocking, right?!?) at Hummus Abu-Dabi: