#Off_the_record with Samuel, Nigeria!

#Off_the_record with  Samuel Olatunji, Nigeria! 

This time, meet Samuel Olatunji from Nigeria! 🇳🇬 Samuel is pursuing his Ph.D in Social Robotics, in the Industrial engineering and management department here at BGU! 🎓
Not only that Samuel is working on his Ph.D, He’s also a member in a band, part of a Christian group that sings together 👨‍🎤🎤
Now for the fun stuff 💃
1. Favorite Hebrew word?
Hacol tov (everything is good) 👍. Even if things are not good at the moment I’m reminding myself that everything will come out well.
2. Why Israel?
I applied all over the world, to get to know other places. It was Israel that first responded, so I believed that god made it possible for me and it was given me by god 🙏. I’ve had a very warm experience, I literally see Israel as my second home because I’m surrounded in people who I call family. When I needed to travel abroad for part of my research, I found myself saying “I have to go back home, I miss my family back in Israel”. That showed me how connected I am to everyone around me here ✨
3. How did you meet your wife, Temi? 🥰
I met Temi during our master’s in Nigeria. I was about to start my Master’s, then I knocked on my supervisor’s door, and I saw her sitting. I fell in love with her immediately; I said to myself “I wish that she could be my wife”, and I decided to do my Master’s there. We worked together as good friends and we got closer and closer, and after one year I proposed to her, and happily – she said yes 💍. At the time we were supposed to throw the wedding ceremony, Temi got a scholarship to go to Kenya. I applied in Kenya and it didn’t work out, and got an admission here. We threw a local ceremony 👰🤵 and started our P.h.D. now we are visiting each other, it has been tough but I’m grateful to god that we’re together. A few days before she comes, my world is flooded, I’m excited about everything. Trying to buy stuff, think about what she’d like to eat, what wine she likes and more. At the day she comes, everything is so slow until I meet her. I get in the train and I want the train and the time to speed up so I’ll see her ⏱. Waiting for her at the airport is a time beyond description for me, a miracle. She means everything to me ♥
4. Favorite Be’er-Sheva activity?
Bible studies with the christian group that i’m in. Always a great time to get to meet each other. Someone that i met on campus linked me with them; Now they’re a very intimate family for me, and we also sing together 🎶
5. What’s your hidden talent?
Listening to people 👂 I have the tendency to say a lot when I meet friends, but I realized that a lot of people need you to listen to them and understand what they’re going through, and if you are the one leading the conversation you may miss it. I realized that at the times I’ve been patient enough to listen, it was a blessing to that person.
6. If you could instantly become an expert in something, what would it be?
I’m learning to play guitar 🎸. I’d like to play songs that will cheer people up. Sometimes people are going through a lot, and they just need someone to get them going, and I’d be happy to be that person 😇
7. If you could have one super power, what would it be?
Teleporting – to where Temi is 🧙‍♂ because wherever she is, even if it’s so far away, I want to be able to at least hold her hand.
8. What is your dream job?
I want to assist as many people as possible with my robots – my work is focused on helping older people with robots 🤖