#Off_the_record with Rebecca Mesecke from Germany!

#Off_the_record with Rebecca Mesecke from Germany!

Rebecca is pursuing her Bachelor’s in Social Sciences at Georg-August-University in Goettingen and came to Israel to participate in our exchange program! 👩‍🎓
It’s Rebecca’s second time being abroad for a long time – she lived 11 months in Ireland while working as an au pair!
Now for the fun stuff 💃

1. Favorite Hebrew word:
Toda (Thank you) 🙏 you can use it so many times. I realized how many times you can actually say thank you, that you don’t really notice when you speak in your mother tongue.
2. Hummus or Falafel?
Oh wow, seriously? I can’t decide. Together! 🥙 I’m going to miss it in Germany. I really liked the general middle-eastern food, I’m a vegan and It was easy for me to find food options anywhere.
3. Why Israel?
I’ve always wanted to go here, but didn’t feel like going just for a vacation – I thought I’d have to spend longer time here to understand the situation, the life, the food and the culture here, and decided to come for a semester abroad ✈
I had a really great experience, I’m sad the semester is over and I’m leaving but it’s ok also, because I’m happy that I got the chance to get to know so many new things and experience it. I’ve met a lot of new people. My highlight here was the hospitality of people here in the middle east. So friendly and open to let you know about their cultures. I’m really thankful for that ✨
4. Favorite Be’er-Sheva activity?
The stairs in the dorms. You can go down and you will usually meet people, have a nice chat, or say you are going for 10 minutes to get some fresh air, but you always stay for so long – it gets to an hour or more 😂
5. What’s your guilty pleasure?
Now I’m at a point where I say that if it’s something that makes you feel good – you shouldn’t feel guilty about it! 💪
6. Would you rather be able to speak every language in the world perfectly, or be a master of every instrument?
Languages 🌐 With languages you understand more about the culture. But I have to say that living in a country where you don’t speak the main language also made me realize that you can still get around, you’ll find a way to communicate with body language or whatever.
About the instruments – I love music. I sing in a choir, and I used to play the keyboard and a flute. I feel like in making music there is always a fun part in trying new stuff, and if you’re already an expert in everything – there is some part missing 🎶
7. If you could have one super power, what would it be?
Telepathy 🧙‍♀ I think that if you really know another person, you already have some kind of connection that you’re able to understand each other with just face expressions and things like that, and I think telepathy could be really useful sometimes in helping other people.
8. What did you want to do when you were little, and now what’s your dream job?
Back then, I think a teacher or a vet, and now – every time I get asked what do I want to do with Social Sciences I say “you can do so many things with that”. I think because I’m not there yet, I’m still not making my mind up. I chose this subject because I wanted to expand my understanding on the society, and I really like it because you can work with it in so many fields. I’ll see what the future brings 🔮
9. What would you do with a million dollar?
Probably donating it either to an association for climate justice, or association that’s working for gender equality – 2 topics that are very important to me 🙌